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UN SACCO donates K1.5 million worth assorted relief items to people affected by ANA
29 Mar 2022

UN SACCO donates K1.5 million worth assorted relief items to people affected by ANA

The UN SACCO, a licensed savings and credit cooperative; on Friday 25th March, 2022 donated assorted relief items worth K1.5 million to people affected by Tropical Storm ANA.
Speaking at Capital Hill, Lilongwe; during the handover ceremony of the donation; UN SACCO President Donnie Kalima said the organisation thought about the devastation caused by Storm ANA and the suffering of the affected people.
“We were moved by the devastation caused by the floods and challenges being faced by the affected. The Board of the UN SACCO made a decision to render assistance.
“Over the last five years, we have grown in terms of assets, membership and profitability and discussed how best we could give back to the society.
“We do realise that there is a lot more that has to be done and our donation is just a drop in the ocean but we are proud that we have done something and we hope to do much more in the near future to assist brothers and sisters affected by disasters,” said Kalima.
In his appreciation speech, Department of Disaster Management Affairs’ Director of Risk Reduction; Dyce Nkhoma, said the donation has come at an opportune time.
“We were planning to decommission the camps hosting people who were displaced by Tropical Storm ANA. Amidst those plans, Tropical Cyclone Gombe affected most of the areas and people that were also affected by ANA.
“As a result, we had to put on hold the plans and closely monitor the situation until it normalises. This means that the affected people will remain in camps hence the need for continued provision of relief assistance.
“This donation is not a drop in the ocean. It will make a difference in the lives of the affected people. Any kind of donation, whether it is benefiting a few affected individuals, makes a meaningful difference. Let me take this opportunity to thank the UN SACCO Board and its members for the kind gesture and thoughtful donation. Be assured that the relief items will reach the intended beneficiaries,” said Nkhoma.
The donated items include 33 cartons of U-Fresh Laundry Soap, 10 bales of soya pieces, 10 bales of sugar, ten cartons of cooking oil, five units of Leopard Matches, 100 plastic pails, 200 plastic plates, 200 plastic cups, five bags of kitchen salt and 100 Vestline Petroleum Jelly.
The UN SACCO operates throughout the country serving United Nations agencies and other international non-governmental organisations In Malawi. The organisation has been in existence since 1996 but got registered by the Registrar of Financial Cooperatives in 2015.

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