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Items filtered by date: April 2022
The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) has facilitated the establishment and training of a search and rescue (SAR) team in Likoma District.
The SAR team will be responsible for providing life-saving interventions in case of disasters and marine accidents.
Speaking on Tuesday (12th April, 2022) when she presided over the opening ceremony, DoDMA’s Chief Relief and Rehabilitation Officer, Natasha Mbengo, said the Island had been operating without a SAR team despite being one of the disaster-prone districts in the country.
“Likoma’s exposure to disasters is not dependent on seasons. The district is exposed to strong Mwera and Chiperoni winds as often forecast by the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services.
“Due to its geographical position, the district experiences a lot of marine accidents resulting in loss of lives and property. As a department, following a request made by the [Likoma] District Council, we decided to establish the team so that it should be providing search and rescue services.
“The team has also been imparted with knowledge on safety regulations for sailing through waters,” said Mbengo.
She then advised the team members to be committed to their cause as they will be working on voluntary basis.
In his remarks, Likoma District Council’s Director of Planning and Development, Leonard Kathalowamo, commended the department for the training.
“It is barely a month since we made the request for the establishment of a search and rescue team. For the first time, Likoma has a sound SAR team. As a council, we are committed to supporting the team in any efforts aimed at saving lives and property. As for the team, dedication is key to achieving any goal,” said Kathalowamo.
Eighty per cent of the established team comprises local fishermen from Chizumulu and Likoma Islands.
The team underwent a two and a half day training in SAR, basic first aid, emergency evacuation planning, basic water rescue, basic fire search and rescue and stress management for traumatic service providers.
The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) on Friday handed over 2010 packages of relief items to lower Shire Districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje with a call for displaced households to start thinking of rebuilding their lives following devastating effects of Tropical Storm ANA and Cyclone Gombe.
The Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) made the donation following President Dr Lazarus Chakwera's declaration of state of disaster and appeal for assistance in the wake of Tropical Storm ANA.
Speaking at Chikwawa District Council during the handover ceremony, Commissioner for Disaster Management Affairs, Charles Kalemba said the donation has been earmarked for a take home package as the department is currently in the phase where it is demobilizing the camps.
Kalemba said the assessments done by the affected councils has shown that people can go back to their homes hence the need to give them starter packs while waiting for other sustainable means to economically empower the affected people.
“The assessments done indicated that the affected people can go back to their homes. Our department will strive to protect lives of the affected hence the need to give them take home packages.
“We expect to demobilize all camps by end of May and so this donation will go a long way in assisting us as we demobilize the camps,” said Kalemba.
He urged the two councils of Nsanje and Chikwawa to sensitize the people to make good use of the donation emphasizing that the packages are not to be sold as this may compromise the recovery process.
Addressing the affected people at Nyamula Camp in TA Tengani, Nsanje; Director of Disaster Response and Recovery Rev. Moses Chimphepo said it was high time the displaced made a move to rebuild their lives.
"There is no economic productivity at a camp. You may also wish to agree with me that camps are a breeding ground for various waterborne diseases since hygiene is compromised.
" I understand most of you rely on winter cropping to make ends meet. Let us get back to our fields and continue with our farming activities,” said Chimphepo.
The packages comprise 1kg salt, 2kg sugar, 900g milk powder, 1kg chick peas, 2kg red lentils and10kg rice; among others.
In his remarks, Chikwawa District Council Chair, Aubrey Masanza appreciated the development and asked other donors to emulate the good gesture.
Masanza said the needs of the affected people are huge and that government will need a lot of support as it undertakes the process of demobilising the camps.
“We have agreed to demobilize the camps to allow the people to go back to their normal lives. It is not an easy process considering that the affected people will need starter packs hence our plea to humanitarian partners to assist government to successfully reach out to all the affected,” he said.
Chikwawa got 1200 packages while Nsanje got 800 packages.
Malawi has donated 30 metric tonnes of beans to the Mozambican government towards supporting people affected by the incursions in Cabo Delgado.
President Dr Lazarus Chakwera, as Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), made the pledge during the Extra-Ordinary SADC Summit held on 12th January, 2022 at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC).
Malawi committed to donate the beans as part of the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) in the wake of the ongoing insurgency in Cabo Delgado which resulted in displacement of some civilian populations.
The handing over ceremony took place on Wednesday (6th April, 2022) in Tete Province, Mozambique.
Delivering the donation on behalf of President Chakwera, Commissioner for Disaster Management Affairs; Charles Kalemba said the gesture symbolises the solidarity within the SADC region and friendship between President Chakwera and President Filipe Nyusi.
Kalemba said the people of Cabo Delgado province are going through the trauma of being forced away from their homes having their livelihood disrupted in terrible circumstances hence the need for assistance.
“It is in moments of hardship and suffering that societies need to close ranks and assist one another.
“This is the tie that binds the people of the two countries; who if not only for the lines that mark the geographical boundaries, are but one in historical and cultural sense,” said Kalemba.
He added that the needs of the displaced people are many so the donation by Malawi government is aimed at contributing to the ongoing assistance that various friends of the Mozambican government are making to alleviate the suffering of the displaced people.
Receiving the donation on behalf of the Mozambican President and government, the President of the National Institute for Disaster Management, Luisa Celma Meque saluted the good gesture by the Malawi government in efforts to minimise the suffering of the affected.
Celma Meque said while they are dealing with the invasions in Cabo Delgado, Tropical Storm ANA and Cyclone Gombe deposited yet another burden on the affected population.
“On behalf of our President, we extend our utmost gratitude to President Chakwera, his government and the people of Malawi for honouring the pledge and reaching out to our people suffering from effects of terrorists attacks and Tropical Storm ANA induced-floods,” said Celma Meque.
According to her, ANA hit Mozambique on 25th of January through Mutalala District affecting about 35,000 families while the terrorist attacks have affected almost 807,000 people.
She said: “There is need for the two countries to work together in addressing issues of disasters because of the common multi-hazards that affect them.”
Celma Meque visited Malawi in February this year after Tropical Storm ANA affected some parts of the southern and central region and donated 60 metric tonnes of assorted food and non-food relief items to the affected people on behalf of the Government of Mozambique.
During her visit, she, together with Kalemba visited Nsanje to appreciate the impacts and interacted with the displaced people who were in various camps in the district.
The Malawi delegation to Mozambique also visited one of the biggest bridges in Tete, Ruvubwe bridge which was cut-off by Tropical Storm ANA induced-heavy rains and floods.
The Rwandese in Diaspora Global Network on Tuesday (5th April, 2022) donated 840 blankets worth K3.5 million to people affected by Tropical Storm ANA.
Speaking in Lilongwe during the handover ceremony, the network’s advisor Ndatinya Juvenal said the donation is an expression of support and solidarity for people affected by Tropical Storm ANA.
“Truly, the affected people are our neighbours, we have been living with them in harmony for quite a long time and this time around, we thought of extending our assistance when they needed it the most.
“As a people, we wouldn’t have managed to prevent the disaster from occurring, it was beyond our capabilities but we can manage to assist the affected people in coping up with the devastating effects,” said Juvenal.
In his remarks, DoDMA’s Deputy Director responsible for Recovery Peter Chimangeni commended the network for the gesture saying it will go a long way towards addressing the needs of the affected people.
“Over 900,000 people were affected by Tropical Storm, out of which 190,000 were displaced and sought refuge in camps. The displaced lost most of their household items including blankets and clothes. Once again; we commend the network for this kind gesture," said Chimangeni.
The Rwandese in Diaspora Network started its operations in 2011 and has membership across the world plying their trade in various sectors.

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