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Items filtered by date: October 2024

Donors supporting the Malawi Government in providing assistance to households affected by effects of El-Nino conditions on Wednesday (2nd October, 2024) visited Chikwawa District to appreciate interventions and progress made.

The donors, which include Norway, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States and the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund, assured that their joint efforts will not only respond to the immediate crisis but also strengthen resilience.

In his remarks, Commissioner for Disaster Management Affairs Rev. Charles Kalemba commended the donors for contributing a total of US$38.5 million towards the noble cause but called upon them to support efforts aimed at breaking the food insecurity cycle.


Boma kudzera ku Nthambi Yoona za Ngozi Zogwa Mwadzidzidzi (DoDMA) Lachitatu (pa 18 September) lakhazikitsa ntchito yopereka thandizo la chakudya kwa anthu 5.7 milliyoni pansi pa ndondomeko ya 2024-25 Lean Season Response.

Izi zadza pomwe Komiti ya Malawi Vulnerability Assessment, yomwe imapanga kawuniwuni wa mmene dziko lino likhalire ndi chakudya, idalengeza mmiyezi yapitayi kuti anthuwa adzafunika thandizo la chakudya kuyambira m’mwezi wa October chaka chino mpaka wa March chaka cha mawa.

Koma poyankhula pomwe amakhazikitsa ntchitoyi mu Mzinda wa Blantyre, Mkulu Woona Zokonzekera Ngozi Zadzidzidzi ndi Kuthandiza Okhudzidwa M’busa Moses Owen Chimphepo anati boma linawunikira kuti vuto la njala lakula kwambiri m’dziko muno chifukwa anthu saanakolore mokwanira kutsatira nyengo ya El Nino yomwe inadza ndi ng’amba komanso kusefukira kwa madzi.

“Sitingadikire [kuyamba kupereka thandizo] mpaka October, n’chifukwa chake tayambiratu panopa; komanso kuyambira mu July chaka chino mpaka August, takhala tikupereka ufa ndi chimanga zoposa matumba 30,000 m’maboma asanu ndi anayi omwe tinalandira ma lipoti a njala yoopsa. Ngati boma, tionetsetsa kuti tafikira onse okhudzidwa ndi njala ndipo tikupempha ma khonsolo ndi makomiti a m’madera kuti aonetsetse kuti okhawo ovutikitsitsa ndi omwe akulandira thandizoli,” anatero M’busa Chimphepo.

M’mau awo, Mkulu Woyendetsa Ntchito za Khonsolo ya Mzinda wa Blantyre a Lytton Nkata anathokoza boma chifukwa cha machawi poyambitsa ntchito yopereka thandizo kwa okhudzidwa.

Wednesday, 02 October 2024 08:35


...‘Act for Humanity’

Today, Malawi joins the rest of the world in commemorating the World Humanitarian Day (WHD) 2024.

The United Nations General Assembly designated the 19th of August as a day of remembrance and honour for 22 aid workers (including the special representative of the secretary general to Iraq Sergio Vieira de Mello) who were assassinated in the bombing of the UN Headquarters in Iraq on 19th August, 2003.

This year's commemorations are being held under the theme ‘Act for Humanity’ and dwell on the escalation of attacks on civilians and humanitarian workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where six humanitarian aid workers were killed and 11 kidnapped between January and June this year, with more than 200 incidents directly targeting humanitarians in the field.

In Malawi, the Department of Disaster Management Affairs leads the commemoration of the day with a call for every individual to take an active role in ensuring impartiality, respect, dignity, care and honesty in the implementation of various humanitarian programmes.

Together, Let Us Act for Humanity!


Households affected by dry spells, caused by El Nino and floods in Salima district, have received fortified maize flour from Malawi Government through Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) to help in alleviating hunger problems.

Speaking on Saturday, in the area of Senior Chief Khombedza after receiving the relief items, Thomas Yohane from Kamanula village said the items have come at a right time when many people in the area are struggling to find food for their families.

“I am pleased with this timely support from the government. My family struggled to find food due to exorbitant prices of maize in our area and it is not easy to find money here Sometimes my family was going to bed on empty stomachs because we did not harvest much this year as a result of dry spells.” He said.

Another beneficiary from Chilambanjala village, Agness Edward said the flour she has received will enable her family to have enough food with her large family for some time.

“I have eight children and it is not easy to find enough food for all of them. This bag will enable my family to have enough food for over a week while I will be finding other means of providing for my family.” She said.

Disaster Risk Management Officer for Salima, Gloria Chinangwa said after conducting assessment on the affected households who were hit by floods and dry spells in the district, it pleased the government to offer such relief items through their office.

“We are distributing the maize flour to the households who were affected by floods and dry spells in the district. It is our target to reach 4,000 households with these relief items so that they should not solely be without food items in their homes.” She said.

Meanwhile, DoDMA is also collaborating with other partners who are also willing to help the people in the district who encountered the same problem.

The targeted households are from senior chiefs Khombedza, Kuluunda, Maganga, Ndindi, and Kambwiri who suffered the wrath of floods and dry spells that have affected their crop production in 2023/2024 farming season.




Boma kudzera ku Nthambi Yoona za Ngozi Zogwa Mwadzidzidzi Loweruka (pa 21 September) yakhazikitsa ntchito yopereka thandizo ku maanja okhudzidwa ndi njala m'boma la Chikwawa. Nduna Yoona za Madzi ndi Ukhondo a Abida Mia ndi omwe anatsogolera mwambowu womwe unachitikira m'dera la Mfumu Yaikulu Kasisi.

M'boma la Mwanza, mwambo ngati womwewu unachitikira Lachisanu (pa 20 September) kwa Mfumu Yaikulu Nthache motsogozedwa ndi Wachiwiri kwa Nduna Yoona za Maboma Aang'ono a Owen Chomanika.

Floods induced by Freddy, the longest lasting Tropical Cyclone; swept heaps of debris that landed and completely buried Mpatsa Primary School in Traditional Authority Tengani; Nsanje, rendering the school unusable; leaving pupils and surrounding communities hopeless.

DoDMA, in collaboration with Nsanje District Council and various humanitarian partners, pitched tents at a new and safer place to ensure that learning continues. With ruthless hot and windy conditions, pupils at the school have been learning under difficult circumstances that would shutter dreams of brighter days.

However, President Dr Lazarus Chakwera's Presidential Charity Initiative on Tuesday (13th August, 2024) aided the realization of the pupils’ dreams through the provision of K225 million for reconstruction of classroom and administration blocks.

Said the President: “the funds will aid the reconstruction of the primary school which is essential to the education and dreams of our young ones. In the aftermath of Cyclone Freddy, we witnessed the destruction of homes, schools and livelihoods. Together, we have the power to rebuild, not just structures but lives and communities. The reconstruction of the primary school is a symbol of our commitment to rise above adversity, to rebuild stronger and ensure that our children have a safe and conducive environment to learn and grow.”

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