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Items filtered by date: March 2022
Oldies 70s Connection Lilongwe Chapter, a grouping of men and women born between 1970 and 1979; on Thursday (31st March, 2022) donated 19 sacks and 36 cartons of assorted clothes and shoes to people affected by Tropical Storm ANA.
Speaking at Capital Hill, Lilongwe during the handover ceremony of the donation, the group’s Vice Treasurer Hannah Ngulinga said as a responsible group, they thought of reaching out to people who were affected by ANA.
“We collected assortments of clothes and shoes for men, women and children from members. We also collected some items from a Lumbadzi-based philanthropic organisation headquartered in the United States of America.
“We thought of handing over the donation to DoDMA (Department of Disaster Management Affairs) for you are better placed to know the existing gaps and direct the donation to rightful beneficiaries,” said Ngulinga.
In his remarks, DoDMA’s Deputy Director responsible for Preparedness Fedson Chikuse, who coincidentally; is also a member of the Oldies 70s Connection, commended the group for the kind gesture.
“It is encouraging that as Malawians, we are able to assist one another in times of need. As a people, we shouldn’t be waiting for foreign donors. Whatever we donate can make a difference and I commend the group for mobilising themselves and make this donation,” said Chikuse.
The group, which was formed in March 2019, sprouted from Cape Town-based founder Diana Ngulinga’s idea of connecting with friends born in the 70s. Since its formation, it has been engaged in a number of charitable works aimed at assisting the less privileged.
Among other means, the group connects through social gatherings and social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp.
A grouping of cyclists under the umbrella Lilongwe Cycling Crew on Monday, (28 March, 2022) donated assortments of clothing and footwear to people affected by Tropical Storm ANA in the lower Shire districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje.
Speaking at Capital Hill, Lilongwe during the handover ceremony of the items, Vice Treasurer for the grouping, Rashid Milanzi said the donation sprout from an idea that came from members of the group to extend a helping hand to the affected.
Milanzi said the grouping, which comprises various professionals, stepped forward to support people with an aim of giving them hope.
“We thought it wise to assist the affected people through DoDMA [Department of Disaster Management Affairs] by contributing various items. We hope that the little we have mobilized will make a difference in the lives of the affected.
“This is just the beginning of the many things we are going to do as we strive to assist people in need, especially those affected by floods, we hope to do more in the future," said Milanzi.
In his remarks, DoDMA's Deputy Director responsible for Recovery, Peter Chimangeni said the donation has come at a right time as various disaster risk management partners, organizations and individuals of goodwill are responding to the call made by President Lazarus Chakwera, following devastating effects of Tropical Storm ANA.
Chimangeni said government appreciates roles various stakeholders are playing in complementing efforts in alleviating challenges being faced by people affected by disasters in the country.
“Your coming is a blessing and these items will go a long way to assist those the affected, especially those in the camps,” said Chimangeni.
He said the affected are still in need of assistance and appealed to organizations and individuals of good will to emulate Lilongwe Cycling Crew’s gesture.
Lilongwe Cycling Crew has over 200 members who usually cycle for fun and fitness.
The UN SACCO, a licensed savings and credit cooperative; on Friday 25th March, 2022 donated assorted relief items worth K1.5 million to people affected by Tropical Storm ANA.
Speaking at Capital Hill, Lilongwe; during the handover ceremony of the donation; UN SACCO President Donnie Kalima said the organisation thought about the devastation caused by Storm ANA and the suffering of the affected people.
“We were moved by the devastation caused by the floods and challenges being faced by the affected. The Board of the UN SACCO made a decision to render assistance.
“Over the last five years, we have grown in terms of assets, membership and profitability and discussed how best we could give back to the society.
“We do realise that there is a lot more that has to be done and our donation is just a drop in the ocean but we are proud that we have done something and we hope to do much more in the near future to assist brothers and sisters affected by disasters,” said Kalima.
In his appreciation speech, Department of Disaster Management Affairs’ Director of Risk Reduction; Dyce Nkhoma, said the donation has come at an opportune time.
“We were planning to decommission the camps hosting people who were displaced by Tropical Storm ANA. Amidst those plans, Tropical Cyclone Gombe affected most of the areas and people that were also affected by ANA.
“As a result, we had to put on hold the plans and closely monitor the situation until it normalises. This means that the affected people will remain in camps hence the need for continued provision of relief assistance.
“This donation is not a drop in the ocean. It will make a difference in the lives of the affected people. Any kind of donation, whether it is benefiting a few affected individuals, makes a meaningful difference. Let me take this opportunity to thank the UN SACCO Board and its members for the kind gesture and thoughtful donation. Be assured that the relief items will reach the intended beneficiaries,” said Nkhoma.
The donated items include 33 cartons of U-Fresh Laundry Soap, 10 bales of soya pieces, 10 bales of sugar, ten cartons of cooking oil, five units of Leopard Matches, 100 plastic pails, 200 plastic plates, 200 plastic cups, five bags of kitchen salt and 100 Vestline Petroleum Jelly.
The UN SACCO operates throughout the country serving United Nations agencies and other international non-governmental organisations In Malawi. The organisation has been in existence since 1996 but got registered by the Registrar of Financial Cooperatives in 2015.
Chikwawa District Council has identified an alternative land for resettlement of three villages whose occupants were displaced by Tropical Storm ANA induced-floods and are living in camps.
The displaced from flood-prone areas around Matsukambiya and Kanseche; both in T/A Lundu; and Chikuse Village in T/A Makhuwira wrote the council that they would want to relocate to safer places.
Chikwawa District Council Commissioner, Alie Phiri said that the three communities are among those that were heavily affected and could not go back to their communities.
“We were approached by the three communities seeking this office to resettle them. We advised them to formally write us of which they did; and that’s when we started looking for the land,” said Phiri.
He said that the council has identified over 34 hectares of land on the higher ground and said he wouldn’t want to disclose the place up until all paper-work is finalized.
Phiri said in the past, it was difficult to resettle those in flood prone areas citing issues of alternative land itself, chieftaincy arrangements and cultural beliefs.
“In the past it has been very difficult to move people but this time around the request has come from them. There was a lot of resistance from the villagers. They would cite a lot of issues such as chieftaincy arrangements so we always ended up hitting the wall,” he said.
Phiri added that the council has already started planning to make available some social amenities within the new community such as health facility, clean and portable water so that life at the new site should be bearable.
He said: “We deliberately looked for land close to their communities so that issues of culture and religious beliefs are taken care of. The people of Matsukambiya will be moved just about five kilometers, those from Chikuse will be moved less than five kilometers and those from Kanseche will have to cover 7 kilometers giving them an opportunity to access their communities.”
Phiri said they want to speed up the process so that by the time people will have to go to their gardens to do farming activities, the people should have settled at the new site.
In an interview, Commissioner for Disaster Management Affairs, Charles Kalemba said the department is aware of the request from the three communities adding that it was a welcome move towards disaster risk reduction.
Kalemba said he visited the proposed site for relocation and commended the council for identifying such a safer place.
He said his department has certified the place and currently asked the council to write them so that the request can be directed to the responsible ministry.
“We are waiting for the council to submit the request and once that is done, we will further write the Ministry of Lands requesting them to procure the land if all requirements are met," said Kalemba.
On his part, one of the displaced persons Pilirani Mayilosi said they indeed presented their request to the council and they are hopeful that the response will be positive.
Mayilosi said his village was completely washed away and is no longer habitable.
“Three lives were lost due to Tropical Storm ANA induced-floods. We lost all our property and we are surviving on relief items provided by government and other well-wishers,” said Mayilosi.
He said that they would want to relocate as soon as possible to start a new life as part of the recovery process.
Tropical Storm ANA induced floods displaced a total of 32,935 households that sought refuge in 178 camps set across 13 affected districts.
In the picture, Commissioner for Disaster Management Affairs Charles Kalemba and Malawi Defence Force’s Major General Saiford Mandiza Kalisha visit one of the proposed sites for relocation of the displaced communities.
As government, donor community, individuals, local and international organizations continue responding to the needs of people affected by Tropical Storm ANA induced-floods, Care Malawi and Standard Bank have partnered through donating assorted relief items to the affected.
Following the landfall of Tropical Storm ANA on 24 January 2022, CARE Malawi has been working with the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) in reaching out to the affected.
In order to effectively respond to the needs of the affected people, CARE Malawi said they partnered with Standard Bank which has provided an in-kind donation of food and non-food items.
The donated relief items, which are worth MK19.4 million, will be donated to Group Village Chapomoka, Traditional Authority (T/A) Ngabu in Chikwawa District.
Standard Bank handed over the relief items on Friday (18th March 2022) at Crossroads in Blantyre to government. The donated items will be dispatched and distributed by CARE Malawi.
In an interview, Standard Bank Head of Engineering, William Nuka said the donation is in particular for people from Chapomoka village having felt obliged to assist the affected to alleviate their suffering.
Nuka said the bank and members of staff across the country have put together the funds and that CARE advised them to reach out to people from Chapomoka having learnt that not much has been channeled towards that area.
“As a bank we survive because of customers who come from various parts of the country.
“We believe that Malawi is our home and we drive our goal making sure that we reach to the far end where help is needed hoping that the area will one day produce people that will serve this nation through Standard Bank.
In his speech, CARE Country Director, Amos Zaindi said the donation from Standard Bank is not just a mere support but part of the whole mechanism that CARE and its partners are delivering.
Zaindi said just for Storm ANA response, CARE and its funding partners, CARE USA, ECHO, USAID, have currently put together over $500,000 which is approximately MK410 million towards ANA response initiatives.
“Together with our partners, we will continue to engage DoDMA to advance these initiatives and contribute towards the efforts and strategies government is pushing forward,” said Zaindi.
Receiving the donation, Commissioner for Disaster Management Affairs, Charles Kalemba thanked CARE Malawi and Standard Bank for the gesture.
Kalemba said Gombe has affected additional 15,000 households countrywide which means decommissioning of the camps will delay.
“Let individuals emulate the good gesture the two institutions have shown today because government still needs a lot of support so that all the affected people are reached out to and taken care of,” said Kalemba.
He then called upon Group Village Head (GVH)Chapomoka who was present to witness the handover ceremony and his people to use the donated items for their intended purpose saying selling donated items is a sign of non-appreciation of efforts various institutions are putting forward.
“I feel bad when I learn that some affected people are coaxed to sell the donated items. GVH Chapomoka please relay the message to people who will receive this donation not to sell these items because doing so will defeat the recovery process,” he said.
The assorted relief items include cooking oil, wrappers, blankets, maize flour, salt, soya pieces, sanitary pads, washing soap, hand sanitizers, paracetamol, likuni phala and plastic buckets.
A group of Christians under the banner Lilongwe Town Hall Lunch Hour Fellowship on Monday (14, March, 2022) donated assorted relief items to people affected by Tropical Storm ANA-induced floods.
Speaking in Lilongwe at Capital Hill, during the handover ceremony; Pastor George Kazibwa said they have made the donation to cushion the hardships that the affected are facing.
Kazibwa said stretching a helping hand is fulfilling what the word of God demands from those that believe in it.
“We should all know that giving is more important than receiving. Our customs and traditions show that we are one; hence the need to help each other”, said Kazibwa.
Receiving the donation, Deputy Director for Response, Fyawupi Mwafongo expressed his gratitude for the gesture.
Mwafongo thanked the grouping for being so thoughtful towards the affected people.
“The donated relief items will make a difference. We are grateful to Lilongwe Town Hall Lunch Hour Fellowship and all those that have responded to President Lazurus Chakwera’s call for assistance after declaring a state of disaster in the affected districts,” said Mwafongo.
Mwafongo said the department was planning to decommission the camps but with the recent cyclone Gombe, the development will drag as councils will still have to keep the displaced in camps until the situation normalises.
He said: “With the coming in of Cyclone Gombe, decommissioning of the camps will delay. This calls for coordinated efforts as we reach out to the affected people.”
Mwafongo has since urged Lilongwe Town Hall Lunch Hour Fellowship and people of good will to continue embracing the spirit of giving.
The donated relief items include 11 bags of maize each weighing 50kg, soya pieces, soap, salt, plastic cups, basins, pots and assorted clothes.
Midpoint Limited Company, a supplier of medical equipment plying its trade in Area 3; Lilongwe has donated MK500,000.00 towards responding to the needs of people affected by Tropical Storm ANA.
Handing over the cheque to Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) officials at Capital Hill in Lilongwe, Midpoint Limited Operations Manager Vipin Pillai said the gesture comes as a way of answering to President Dr Lazarus Chakwera’s appeal for assistance after he declared a state of disaster.
Pillai said it is a cooperate responsibility of every company to join hands with those in need when such circumstances arise.
“As a cooperate company in Malawi, we felt the urge to join other stakeholders to extend a hand to people affected by ANA.
“We believe that this contribution will cater for some needs of the affected and make a difference in their lives,” said Pillai.
In his remarks, DoDMA’s Deputy Director of Response, Fyawupi Mwafongo thanked Midpoint Limited for the gesture and positively responding to the President’s call.
“Currently, the department is working on decommissioning the camps which will require that the affected get packages that will assist them to settle.
“We are still mobilizing resources for those affected by Tropical Storm ANA, and shelter still remains one of the key needs. The funds you have provided today will greatly assist the department in the procurement of necessary shelter materials,” said Mwafongo.
He then appealed to companies, individuals and other stakeholders to emulate Midpoint Limited’s gesture.
The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) has called on Disaster Risk Management (DRM) partners in the country to seriously consider partnering with the disaster office in Likoma to enhance DRM interventions.
Commissioner for Disaster Management Affairs Charles Kalemba made the call on Wednesday (9 March, 2022) in Likoma during an interface with the District Civil Protection Committee (DCPC) to appreciate disaster risk reduction and response mechanisms; but also how the council implemented the 2021-2022 Lean Season Food Insecurity Response program.
Presenting the district’s report, Relief and Rehabilitation officer for Likoma, Dan Mandala said just like any other district, Likoma is prone to various hazards such as strong winds, dry spells, pest and disease outbreak, earth tremors, lightening and hail storm yet the district has no DRM partner.
Mandala said the development has seen the DCPC relying on the council only to provide resources in such times of need hence delays in responding to disasters.
“The district has no DRM partner which means every operation the committee has to undertake relies on the few resources the council gets.
“We note through radio and social media platforms how some districts are privileged to host a number of partners when disasters hit and yet Likoma registers none. Probably the issue is our geographical position but still, Likoma is reachable and partners can ably work with us here,” said Mandala.
He made an appeal to Kalemba to seriously look into the issue and liaise with humanitarian partners in the country to partner Likoma and ease disaster response operations.
Responding to the plea, Kalemba said it was saddening to hear that the district has no DRM partner when the country has a lot of partners implementing various DRM programmes.
“We have a lot of partners collaborating governments efforts in different parts of the country. It is unfortunate to learn that out of all those partners, Likoma has none,” said Kalemba.
He said that partner’s collaborative efforts make a huge difference hence calling for support from them to consider Likoma.
Later, Kalemba presided over distribution of relief items to 78 households who were recently affected by stormy rains.
He then called upon the affected to follow safer building guidelines but also make good use of the relief assistance the council provides.
He said it was high time the council invested in sensitizing the community on safer building guidelines to minimize the impact of disasters such as collapsing of houses.
“My plea to the council is that they should seriously put into use the contingency plan which among others requires them to sensitize the community on safer building guidelines so that moving forward, we will not have houses collapsing due to poor construction,” said Kalemba.
One of the beneficiaries, Rose Lilinga said the relief assistance provided to her will cushion the hardships she is going through ever since her house collapsed.
“Everything in the house was damaged and getting back on my feet will take time,” said Lilinga.
She thanked DoDMA and the council for the timely response saying the relief assistance will make a difference.
Out of the 78 affected households, 58 were registered at Likoma Island and 20 at Chizumulu Island.
The relief assistance included maize, beans, blankets, plastic sheets and plastic buckets.
Music artists in the country working under the name Unite for Flood Victims have come together to mobilize resources towards people who were affected by Tropical Storm ANA.
On Tuesday (7 March, 2022) the grouping donated assorted relief items to the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) to assist the affected in the Lower Shire district of Nsanje.
Speaking during the handover ceremony that took place in Lilongwe at Vox Populi, Area 4, representative of the artists, Thoko Katimba said they were compelled considering that as artists, they get support from the affected, calling them their fans.
Katimba said that the grouping believes that the affected are part of those that have ever patronized their shows at some point or given them support in one way or the other.
“This idea of coming together to mobilize resources was made on a very short notice. Our manager approached us to achieve this noble gesture by reaching out to the affected.
“We are very much aware that a bigger number of people were affected and looking at what we are donating today, it may not reach out to all the affected but we hope that it will still make a difference,” said Katimba.
Looking at the needs of those affected, Katimba appealed to organizations to partner with musicians in the country by sponsoring subsequent events aimed at supporting the affected people.
In his remarks, Mayor for Lilongwe City Council Richard Banda, said the gesture rendered by the artists is extra ordinary.
“I never expected that musicians could gather and mobilize support for people affected by ANA. Government continues putting up resources together and reach out to all the affected in the country but still needs a helping hand hence the need for partners to complement government’s efforts”, said Banda.
Receiving the donation, DoDMA’s Deputy Director for Disaster Preparedness, Fedson Chikuse said the donation of relief items will go a long way to address the needs of the affected people in particular, and the disaster response in general.
“Let me assure you that this donation will be used for its sole intended purpose, that is provision of relief assistance to disaster affected people in Nsanje district. The department is inviting you the organizers or representatives to witness the actual distribution of the donated relief items to the beneficiaries in the targeted district this week,” he said.
The assorted relief items include 100 bags of maize weighing 50kg each, 500 plastic cups, and assorted clothes.
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